Through LCA (complying to the ISO 14040 guidelines) we can analyze the complete life cycle of a product and its production process and make valid suggestions to optimize both process and design scheme and its environmental impact. We also focus our attention at further development of methodologies and approaches to Life Cycle Analysis that enhance scientific and industrial approaches towards eco-innovation.

As already mentioned, KPAD Ltd members are holding the leading role in the Life Assessment and sustainability related work packages of international programs.
Collection of all the needed information
We are responsible for the collection of all the needed information (expected materials, methodologies, process requirements, risk assessment) for the Life Cycle Assessment for the design of smart release of biocides in finishing materials for the sector of construction.
This information are acquired and assessed at every step of the needed research activity:
- selection of the starting materials for the experimental work package
- selection of end-user applications and corresponding environmental conditions and material performances
- selection of process requirements for manufacturing of materials with biocide release system
- biocide release tests and biological test on lab-sized bioswitch material
- introduction of lab-sized bioswitch material into coating and plasters
- research on bioswitch containing materials
- introduction of modified nano-clays into coating, plasters and ceramics
- research on nano-clay containing materials
The objective of this program is the development of innovating building materials (coating, plasters, post-treated ceramic materials) with high added value, which provide cost-effective solutions for the building and construction sector as well as a strong reduction of the environmental impact and health related problems.
Develop objective methodology
Our the team members will develop objective methodology to measure and evaluate the environmental burdens associated with the developed atomizing of droplets within spray dryers, including the product, system or service, by describing and assessing energy, water and materials used and emissions released to the environment over the life cycle in a dairy chain.
We are responsible for the:
- integration of LCA into process design engineering; the suggested solutions for the unit operations, product routings, energy supply and water recovery will be analyzed with respect to the LCA impact and the following costs will be taken into account for better combinations of LCA and economic performance
- development of a framework for LCA driven process design; the LCA impact of milk powder will be analyzed as long as the design and process organization and operational conditions to guarantee the best results
- environmental impact assessment of all processes involved; functional unit, method of allocation, system boundaries, new production chain, transport associated with production of purchased inputs, raw materials used, solid, liquid, air emissions and energy and water consumption in each process will be defined. The important impact categories (based on ISO initially include Global Warming, Ozon Depletion, Acidification, Eutrofication, Toxicity, Water Toxicity, Human Health, Resource Depletion and Land Use) will be defined and analyzed
- inventory analysis; data regarding all relevant inputs and outputs of energy and mass flow, as well as data on emissions to air, water and land for each unit process will be collected. The necessary calculations for the quantification of both the material and the energy input and outputs of the studied systems will be also carried out
- impact assessment (LCIA); Potential environmental impacts and the resources used for the production of the new production chain will be evaluated (assignment of LCI results, modelling of category indicators, normalization and weighting). The outcome of the LCA will be used as the basis to perform a detailed Risk Assessment for the new production chain
- economic risks assessment; the possible economic impacts and risks from the production and the use of the new spray drying technology will be identified and quantified, pinpointing which processes should be further improved to reduce the environmental and economic load and the results will be compared to the currently applied process leading to the estimation and minimization of the economic impact arising from the applied processes and the materials used
The objective of this program is the achievement of a more efficient pre-treatment of milk, the elimination of fine particles during spray drying, the recovery of heat and water present in the used drying air and the design of an effective cleaning process.