KPAD Ltd specializes in the development of functional food products applying novel techniques (MW & US extraction, Novel Encapsulation techniques – electrospinning/ electrospraying, etc.) using high standards and all the required tests for the product sensorial properties and product quality assurance analysis. These products meet the highly demanding consumers’ requirements (replacement of synthetic additives, high nutritional value, improved organoleptic characteristics, extension of product life, reduction of fats, salt & sugar), product and process standardization, as well as strict European regulations (No 1333/2008, 1129/2011 for the limitation of synthetic food additives), and international standards and environmental legislation (reduction of energy, water, raw materials consumption and CO2 footprint).

KPAD Ltd researchers, through their participation in demanding international projects, have gained great experience in developing innovative food products. Bellow are some of our most recent applications:
Application of Nanoemulsion Technology to confectionary food products based on oil in water emulsions such as vegetable cream and fudge icings.
The innovative character this application lies in the replacement of the oil or/and the water phase of the conventional emulsions with food grade nanoemulsions. The objective is both the improvement of the quality of the products in line with the latest nutritional trends by substituting currently used ingredients (oils, surfactants) with more healthy ones and the reduction of the processing degree of the final products.
Development of functional low-salt products and superior sensory characteristics. Recovery and incorporation of plant origin bioactive compounds.
The main goals of this work was the production of functional low-salt olive and table olives products and superior sensory characteristics with the addition of essential oils. In order to meet these requirements new technologies was optimized and introduced in the conventional processes of olive products. In order to lower the salt content a dehydration pretreatment of olives prior to fermentation and a partial substitution of salt within the brine solution at the fermentation process were applied. In order to develop new olive paste products with superior nutritional and sensory characteristics the addition of antioxidant compounds and essential oils extracted from Greek and Chinese herbs.
Development of fruit juices and beverages enhanced with bioactive compounds originating from natural sources like microalgae.
Extraction of bioactive microalgal compounds (Carotenoids (astaxanthin) from Haematococcus pluvialis, and omega-3 fatty acids (eicosapentaenoic acid, docosahexaenoic acid) from Phaeodactylum tricornutum) for the replacement of synthetic additives which will improve the organoleptic characteristics and nutritious content of final products. The development of such innovative products was achieved by optimizing the extraction/purification processes of the microalgal compounds, and their encapsulated formulations in order to make them compatible with water based systems.
Shelf life testing and storage stability analysis in dairy products.
Microbiological changes assessment during storage and investigation of the parameters that may influence the shelf life of the products (e.g. pH, temperature, humidity, etc.). Yeasts and moulds, aerobic or anaerobic germs was defined for the tests, along with accelerated shelf-life test protocols for powder products, shelf-life test for the raw-milk like powder and encapsulated flavors was conducted and products stored between three and six months under controlled storage (temperature, humidity) conditions, depending on the product requirements. All shelf life tests were accompanied by quality assurance analysis.
The chemical engineering background of KPAD Ltd members allow us to develop generalized mathematical models of physical and thermophysical properties of products and simulate physical industrial properties. This way we are able to develop optimized processes and production schemes.